Wednesday, June 1, 2011

What Nature Intended?

I never imagined I'd be "that girl."

You know? The one who schvitzes in front of the mirror wondering if what she's wearing is suitable. Tonight I am simply going out with a friend and his friends. The single girl in me hears "oh snap! Time to show off the goods!" The logical side of me smacks Single Girl with her brass pair and says "no silly. Be Yourself"

That brings me to this comical segue.

Remember the movie Just Friends? That's how I feel in many situations. It's like my timing is simply off. I am the hamster on a wheel desperately trying to get the carrot on the string.

Anyway, here I am going through my closet and wondering what "myself" is. Ten years ago, it was tartan plaid, chain wallets, anything that screamed "punk rock." When I was dating, I hid my body is Plain Jane because heaven forbid I looked good to any other red-blooded male.

This is what all those nature shows are talking about. Females and males getting all fussy to attract the opposite sex. Instead of strutting like a proud peacock, I stumble like a Canadian goose trying to cross a busy intersection.

The most difficult thing I am struggling with is wondering how the opposite sex perceives me. I've always been proud to be a contradiction; a dirty old man in a skirt is how I'd like to put it. THAT is me. But is any man kind enough to peel back that layer and understand that I also like to wear pearls and bake cupcakes?

So tonight, I will mingle with a new social circle; the lioness from another tribe. Let's see if I am welcomed or end up sparring tonight.

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