Saturday, June 4, 2011

Find me in da club?

This really isn't my style, but for the sake of my dear friend and her birthday wishes, this is where I stood. Hands in the pockets of my dress, nursing a well-made long island iced tea, and watching droves of drunks poorly dancing to the bass. It's a lot like this. I can't decide if getting hit on or poor dancers is worse.

I simply take a look around and this isn't the kind of crowd I want in my life and 12:30 at night. And then I remembered that this would make wonderful blog fodder! As usual, I feel overdressed and underdrunk. I look around and see couples. This is where I ask myself how on earth did fate bring these two together? Very rarely do you hear the true love story of two people, meeting at a club, and living happily ever after...unless you're from Jersey. Apparently that happens there all the time.

It's funny because I love dancing. And enjoy drinking. Maybe the cynic in me has difficulty believing that I can find my life partner at a club while enjoying both of these past times.

So here is where I ask my followers this question: where did you meet your current significant other? Did you expect that to happen?

I met my latest love interests either through work or school. I guess this is also why online dating is extremely foreign to me. I truly want something organic to happen. Seeking it in the depths of the interwebs is like high fructose corn syrup in the culinary world: ok in small doses, but it's for the most part not good for you.

I think I'm right on track with keeping with an organic diet though. But of course a little junk food isn't a bad thing. In fact, I always make up for it later!

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